Sunday 28 March 2010

Enterprising Game - Pilot

This week one of my admin classes were fortunate enough to participate in a new innovative enterprising game. Fiona Downie and Ann Jackson from South Lanarkshire Council came into the class to introduce the game and take part with the pupils.

Players run their own business and must use their entrepreneurial skills to try and make their enterprise as successful as possible.

They ‘make, sell and deliver’ to customers around the board, having to overcome inevitable problems and make decisions about how best to reinvest any profits into the growth of their business.

The enterprise with the greatest value wins the game!

Pupils had a great time playing the game, they learned new key terms and got to test their enterprising skills against peers. We were fortunate enough to be asked to plot the enterprising game in our school therefore we can look forward to playing again soon.

For more info visit the following link:

Monday 1 March 2010

Test Revision

Remember the following dates for your end of unit test:

3F - Wednesday 03/02/10
3H - Thursday 04/02/10

Good luck with your studying!!